Proposal: Grants for EIPs Fun Project

From previous discussions with @zik, GCC or Plancker will provide grants for the initial stage of this project. But the process is immature. No idea about how to apply, so create a topic on the forum first.

EIPs play a crucial role in Web3 Development, but navigating and understanding the official EIPs website ( can be challenging for developers (of course, it’s concise). Although there are many informative articles, code examples, and videos about EIPs, the official website cannot include them.

Our project aims to uncover the potential of EIPs, making them more accessible and enjoyable for developers. We will design some tools and workflow for them. By doing so, we hope to advance the growth of the entire ecosystem.

For simplicity, for more details, please refer to:

For the initial stage, we are requesting 15500U grants to cover the following:

  • Design and Development
  • Initial content preparation and operation plans

We will create new proposals and apply for more routine operations and maintenance grants. Specifically:

  • PM: 2000
  • Devs: 7000
  • UI: 1500
  • Product Manager: 1000
  • Content Editors: 2000
  • LXDAO Community Support: 2000

In total: 15500U. Share with PoW. Amount confirmed with LXDAO Experts Working Group.

Special Notes: The LXDAO Community Support expense is a mechanism designed to attract more builders to contribute to projects within LXDAO. As such, each project’s initial income should include a small portion allocated for community involvement.

For the revenue distribution, at the moment, LXDAO will have 15% ownership, and Plancker DAO will have 10% ownership of this project, from the previous discussion.

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Created a pool according to @zik

  • I support this :slight_smile:
  • Need more discussion
  • Not a good idea :frowning:

0 voters