关于GCC是否要更名为ICC : international chinese community

据我理解,是K在zuzalu和gitcoin的某个核心成员讨论的时候,该成员认为international chinese community 更能总结 目前GCC所代表的群体,因为目前我们要开始 gitocin beta feature round 所以我们正是一个更名的机会 所以发起投票说 我们是否要更名。

GCC 更名
  • greater china community
  • international chinese community
  • chinese speaking community

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个人其实还是很难从名字上直接 get 到这个是一个什么组织,看起来像是整个国际华人社区,不过似乎我们目前侧重于资助和支持华语区的 public goods。如果名字特别重要,建议单独 call 一个脑爆会,把核心或者 GCC 的目标受众一起,配合 chatgpt 可以直接聊聊。我随便生成了几个感觉有空间进一步优化。

而且目前国际形势紧张,出现 china 或者 chinese 或许不一定好,也可以用 silk、panda、bamboo、Loong 之类的来暗指华人华裔或许更容易被老外理解和接受。比如 Panda 一看就感觉是中国元素,也比较容易做 logo 和 VI。

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同意 Bruce。

here are some examples:

  1. Dragon’s Nest Community - This name invokes the image of the powerful and legendary dragon, which is a symbol of strength, wisdom, and good fortune in Chinese culture.
  2. Oriental Unity - This name highlights the idea of unity and collaboration among people of Asian heritage, while also incorporating the term “Oriental” which is a historical term for the East.
  3. Silk Road Alliance - The Silk Road was an ancient trade route that connected China to the Mediterranean, and was a symbol of cultural exchange and commerce. This name alludes to this history and the idea of building connections between communities.
  4. Lotus Bridge Community - The lotus flower is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth in many Asian cultures. “Bridge” highlights the idea of connecting people and communities.
  5. Golden Horizon Society - This name incorporates the idea of a bright and prosperous future, while also alluding to the ancient Chinese concept of the “Golden Mean” which represents harmony and balance in all things.


「个人其实还是很难从名字上直接 get 到这个是一个什么组织,看起来像是整个国际华人社区,不过似乎我们目前侧重于资助和支持华语区的 public goods。」
这个点,ICC只是代替GCC的部分,全称还是 ICC for ethereum public goods 这种感觉 我觉得还是非常清楚的。

GCC或者ICC for ethereum public goods,应该是用GCCPG或者ICCPG来概括,否则只是GCC或者ICC有点不知所云,如果单纯想表达我们是来自话语区的社区,其实很模糊,一般还需要表达来自华语区关注什么领域的社区。赞成ICCPG。

感觉MXX提的Global Chinese Community和International Chinese Community意思接近(或者更好),前者可以保留已经用习惯了的简称GCC,提议增加新的选项Global Chinese Community

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赞同Pablo的建议:增加新的选项Global Chinese Community