[[gitcoin]] [[planckerDAO]] reply to @Bob_Jiang
The matching pool amount (这次匹配池多少钱, $50k 么) :
A:嗯 我建议我们还是先从小的来,还是优先planckerdao出25k,我们再找找谁一起出25k(mask,scroll,loopin 等)
Token that will be paid out for matching (支付token, usdt, usdc, or others) :
Max matching cap per grant (% of total pool) if desired (匹配的cap是多少,以往main pool 是 2.5% ; ecosystem可能高一点点。GR15我们是多少? @zh3036 )
A:我们上次的cap是5000刀,我觉得这次cap可以稍微低一点 ,比如3000,或者2500 这样可以让一些小项目也有机会。
Theme/name of round (还是 GCC,对吧)
A:这个我今天发个投票,目前还有一个选项是 international chinese community , ICC
Who from your team will be responsible for deploying the round, reviewing/approving grants, handling disputes, paying out, etc (我可以来主导这次 beta round)
Begin building a marketing plan (runbook linked below) (这个市场计划,需要紧跟上,我会拆分任务)
A:没问题,我最近还有些别的事情,但是我尽量优先feature round的运营。
Token that will be paid out for matching (支付token, usdt, usdc, or others)建议USDT
Max matching cap per grant (% of total pool) if desired (匹配的cap是多少,以往main pool 是 2.5% ; ecosystem可能高一点点。GR15我们是多少? @zh3036 )
Theme/name of round (还是 GCC,对吧)GCC/ICC for Ethereum
Who from your team will be responsible for deploying the round, MXX &小半reviewing/approving grants, handling disputes, paying out, etc (我可以来主导这次 beta round)bob
Begin building a marketing plan (runbook linked below) (这个市场计划,需要紧跟上,我会拆分任务)公共任务拆分