Recommended standards for PlanckerDAO voting SBT allocation

Proposal type



To improve the governance of PlanckerDAO by advancing the use of popular DAO toolings, PlanckerDAO wants to release its own SBT (mainly for voting) as soon as possible. However, it is now primarily stuck on who can own the SBT. We hope to find a way to guarantee the effectiveness of the voting group while not alienating the rest of the community.


As a result, I recommend the following standards to limit the scope of SBT for voting and accelerate the allocation.

  1. We can abbreviate voting SBT as vSBT.
  2. The voting SBT is only for voting instead of defining membership.
  3. All PlanckerDAO shareholders owing more than 0.5% (TBD) share should receive one.
  4. All full-time members of PlanckerDAO should receive one during their service period.
  5. Voting SBT should be recalled (expire) once the holder does not qualify two items above.
  6. All other community members can request the voting SBT by submitting a voting SBT application proposal including but not limited to rational and period of validity on the forum. The member shall receive one voting SBT once their proposal gets approved by current voting SBT holders.
  7. Each community member should be limited to having only one voting SBT regardless of how much standard they are qualified for.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Need modification (please reply detail below)

0 voters


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Some thinking:

  1. Power of voting of different guys. Someone only enters Plancker^ for not more than two months, and some guys are over two years. I think they have different powers.
  2. The founder has a special right to say no to two ending results in one year.



为推动社区治理以及投票机制迭代进行,根据以上建议,整理了第一版 Voter 名单:


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