Notfellows Tokyo + Plancker DAO Collab

Hi all! After extensive discussions on our Notfellows Tokyo event with Plancker DAO core members @Pablo @link @zh3036, we are making a formal proposal for grant funding :rocket:

Name of Event

Notfellows Tokyo

Details and descriptions

Notfellows (started and run by Rebecca Dai, a Yale dropout and serial crypto startup operator) is a global community of 200+ experienced and ambitious builders founding 35+ projects in crypto. We supercharge builders by:

  1. Fostering a supportive and intellectually active community that helps each other grow
  2. Creating in-person and virtual events that stimulate deep conversations, relationship-building, and productive knowledge-sharing
  3. Hosting regional hacker houses to let the best people build worry-free

Notfellows Tokyo will be the third hacker house by Notfellows! Woohoo! :dizzy: Our first two houses combined provided free accommodations to ~40 builders, hosted numerous social events, and produced 30+ prize-winning projects. The extraordinary outcomes were driven by 1) carefully chosen hackers, 2) an intentionally curated building environment: light-hearted, genuine, but also hard-working, and 3) unreserved support from dedicated mentors covering all fields.

Some memories we built~

Our Tokyo house will run from Apr 10 to Apr 17, providing free accommodations to ~20 hackers in Shinjuku, the heart of Tokyo, during both DAO Tokyo and ETH Tokyo. In addition, we’ll host highly curated, intimate evening gatherings (capacity capped at 50 attendees). In the past, we’ve seen beautiful friendships and co-founder pairs arise from these events.

A sneak peek into the event location:

Usage of Funds

With funding from Plancker DAO, we aim to:

  1. Produce as many prize-winning projects in ETHTokyo as possible
  2. Create opportunities for our hackers, visitors, and supporters
  3. Contribute to the East Asian crypto community socially and intellectually

Specifically, we will use the funds to cover:

  1. Hackers’ accommodations
  2. Dinners, events, and casual gatherings
  3. Design for posters, banners, and miscellaneous items
  4. Operations (labor, logistics, materials, printing, etc)

Our ask: $5000 in grant funding

Why does this matter?

In addition to everything we’ve mentioned, we believe:

  1. Young talent is the future of crypto, and we want to help these builders succeed
  2. Co-living spaces can be magical. They give birth to not only lifelong friendships but also industry-defining ideas.
  3. This event will serve as a physical anchor point for Notfellows, its partners, and other groups dedicated to public goods to explore sustainable growth.

Confirmed sponsors

  1. ConsenSys
  2. MetaCartel
  3. Mask
  4. Web3MQ

Looking forward to working with everyone from the Plancker community!
WAGMI :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Notfellows 是一个非常棒的年轻加密文化群体,可以看到的是已经做出了不错的成绩,并且是一个非常国际化的社区,可以和很好的具有正统性的公司达成合作。在和更多的 Builders 产生连接这件事情上,我认为是非常符合 GCC (华语区公共物品捐助基金)的需求。

个人认为如果 Plancker^ 参与资助,会希望有一些社区形象的露出,并且希望可以在东京共同举办活动,或者是可以联合制定一些方向性的主题。或者其他的比较能够建立连接的合作方式。Plancker^ 是一个追随于以太坊的建设者社区,并希望做和支持能够和以太坊密切相关的活动和项目。

希望有更多的声音来谈论对这项合作提案的看法,并且欢迎 @rebecca_dai 来参与3月20日下午4点(UTC+8)的 Plancker^ 社区周会,向大家说出你的想法,并获得更多的讨论,如果顺利或许我们很快就会达成协定~

我整体比较赞同赞助这个这次hackerhouse. 有几个具体的点:

  1. Consensys 和 metacartel 这两位赞助方应该是被社区认为比较有正统性,他们的成员也会住在hackerhouse,是一个好的和planckerdao链接的机会。
  2. planckerdao的成员也可以有部分住在hackerhouse,相当于这个赞助一部分在报销社区成员的住宿,以及他们和其他国际社区优秀builder 链接,搅拌的机会。
  3. 是否是GCC来牵头赞助还是以planckerdao的名义直接赞助我们可以讨论,因为这次hackerhouse的不一定是以建造公共物品为主要目的,也不是以华语建设者为主要成员,所以可能不是那么符合gcc本身的定位。但是从planckerdao进入国际社区,获得正统性的角度来说,是有价值的。
  4. 另外我认为rebecca 是一位优秀的 builder和connector(尤其是和国际社区),也是有更多机会和plancerkdao合作产生更多价值,所以社区支持一位华语builder建立的国际builder社区也是合理的。
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赞同 yihan 列出的点,以及补充一条,看我们的 side event 是否也可以直接在那个空间里发生?


  • I support this :slight_smile:
  • Not a good idea :frowning:
  • Need more discussion

0 voters


  • I support this :slight_smile:
  • Not a good idea :frowning:
  • Need more discussion

0 voters

接下来如何去推进这件事情落实下来呢?目前看起来在7个投票中有6个肯定,是否还需要在 Snapshot 上进行一轮正式投票?以及如何去推进资金部分的提供呢? @zik



支持支持!Plancker 又开拓了一个外部社区

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那目前看来该提案已经获得了 9 票实名认同,按照目前总共持有投票权的人数来说,已经投票通过了。


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