Construction of Remix China

  • Description/scope of work - supporting the construction of Remix China in the aspects of internationalization development, translation, operation, etc. See the attachment in detail.
  • Rationale/objectives - Complete the top 2 works defined in the attachment and ideally the 3rd and 4th to sustainably build a Remix China community for better onboarding and communication of Chinese engineers.
  • Deliverables - Development work and Chinese translation delivered to Remix. Remix China community constructed and long-term operation mechanism set up inside or outside PlanckerDAO.
  • Team - led by DJQ, team members will be organized by PlanckerDAO on demand.
  • Budget - need PlanckerDAO to list Remix China as its public affairs to provide long-term support, mainly human resources and operation support.



But we want to know more clear details to launch and check the “Project” is running properly.

  1. Valuation, what Pablo has talked about, Pulibc Ethereum Develpe IDE, is absolutely PUBLIC GOODS, what Plancker will give grants or support.
  2. Daily work description and ability requirements.
  3. Plan, about 3-6 months duration.
  4. Guys will join and role or allocation of the jobs.
  5. Community relation, describe the relationship with the Remix team and the Ethereum community.

plus what Pablo has posted, will be enough for quick initiate a “Project team”

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1&2. Details will be provided after the preparation work.
3. Team leader is DJQ and one volunteer member Mocca has joined.
4. Team leader has been involved in the contribution work of Remix for a while.

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Yeah, the details are not very important, just accumulate some basic progress information.
We can build and design both!

计划支出 金额(CNY) 工时(周) 备注 基金会
翻译计划负责人 7K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 12H 完成现有积存的翻译工作 ESP
开发计划负责人 7K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 12H 完成现有积存的开发工作 GCC
运营计划负责人 4K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 8H 完成日常运营工作 GCC
教学视频征稿计划 2K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 一个月出2个视频,每个1000元。可将视频发给 Remix 团队回收一点成本 GCC
项目负责人 4K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 16H 项目负责人自愿放弃薪资,这部分钱用于奖励其他贡献者 GCC

一阶段为期三个月,总共预算 72,000元 ≈ 10,454美元。先把积存的任务做完。等一阶段完成后再考虑维护工作和新任务。



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计划支出 金额(CNY) 工时(周) 备注
开发计划负责人 7K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 12H 完成现有积存的开发工作
运营计划负责人 4K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 8H 完成日常运营工作
教学视频征稿计划 2K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 一个月出2个视频,每个1000元。可将视频发给 Remix 团队回收一点成本
项目负责人 4K/月 :heavy_multiplication_x:3 16H 项目负责人自愿放弃薪资,这部分钱用于奖励其他贡献者

一阶段为期三个月,总共预算 51,000元 ≈ 7,426美元。

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Proposal: DJQ 加入普朗克并且申请 GCC grants - General - Plancker Community