About SBT, she/he made a contribution but couldn't get the badge, and Why

About SBT, she/he made a contribution but couldn’t get the badge.

If SBTs are prioritized as a record, then all the contributors should be recorded, which is history written by the people. It’s not directly about economic profit.

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I agree with this: “SBTs are prioritized as a record”.
Everybody can get his SBTs if he or she makes contributions to the community.
How can I distinguish the difference between those who make huge efforts and few?
I have a way: BRAV
Bounty and Reputations Adding Value.
For example:
Alice launches a lecture about Layer2 with slides and articles.
Bob hosted a Hackathon which sustained two weeks.

The solution:

  1. We offered a basic Bounty, the amount depends on the budget and the workload.
  2. We offered an SBT with difference Dot values, Alice: 20, Bob: 50?

Welcome to suggestion!

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  1. We offered an SBT with difference Dot values, Alice: 20, Bob: 50?
    ——Keep simple plz bro
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SBT as a record of contribution. Bounty/UBI as salary. And we need a third stuff for equity. But sure we know we can find some relationship between SBT with the third stuff, which help us to determine the equity more rationally. Maybe the third stuff we can call it JIFEN. :slight_smile:


It may be a bit complicated, but it can address the differences between people.

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Yeah, I want both: Record and JIFEN :star_struck:

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